COVID-19 Update

To our wonderful clients,


With our operations headquartered in the hard-hit city of Los Angeles, we've experienced more strict and longer-lasting quarantine orders than other corners of the globe. The evolving circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 virus has put us in the unfortunate position of having to temporarily scale back our warehouse operations. But rest assured we're still shipping orders, and our customer service team is still available to provide quick and up-to-date information.


Our warehouse facility is currently open and working on a reduced schedule to maintain social distancing. Everyone on site is working with gloves and masks, and all surfaces are being sanitized during the packing process to ensure safe delivery of your product.


As ordered by the city of Los Angeles, our office staff is working remotely until further notice. For the quickest response from our customer service team, please send all inquiries to Our office line is unmanned, however voicemails are checked regularly throughout the week. 


Given the current circumstances, we're quoting a slightly-longer lead time of 1-20 business days for all standard in-stock products. Production on custom alterations may take longer than usual--please email in for all custom inquiries.


In these unprecedented times, we'll continue to evolve our practices to serve you as best we can. We'll remain transparent, and will remain committed to our customers during this time of uncertainty. Our goal is to make things as easy and as smooth for you as possible on our end--we know you're all dealing with a lot right now.


We appreciate your understanding while we work to get back to "business as usual."


Stay safe, and wash those hands!


the Vault Team


*Updated 5/20/20

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